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Accessing Completion Certificates

Accessing Your Own Completion Certificates


1. First login and navigate to your Learning Center.

2. On the Your Learning Center page, go to the Completed tab.



3. In the completed tab scroll to the desired session and click View Certificate. 



4. The completion certificate will populate immediately. From there, you can print or download the certificate. If a certificate does not populate, please contact registration@meainfo.org


Accessing Your Teams Completion Certificates


1. First login and navigate to your Team Dashboard. 



2. On your team dashboard, scroll to the team member who's certificate you would like to access. Once you find your team member, go to their completed learning.



3. Once you have accessed your team member's Learning Center, follow steps 3 and 4 above. 


If you are missing team members or have any issues accessing the certificates, please contact registration@meainfo.org



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